Welcome to the Blog

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, nearly 6,000 people died and more than 515,000 were injured on American roadways in 2008 in crashes that involved distracted driving. The problem is growing, and young drivers are most at risk.

KADD was founded by Scott D. Camassar and Stephen M. Reck of the Law Firm of Stephen M. Reck & Scott D. Camassar, LLC in North Stonington, CT, to help educate kids of all ages about the dangers of distracted driving. We’re dedicated to responsible driving and keeping kids safe. We don’t want to see kids injured or killed by texting and driving, or by others’ texting and driving. Please join us in this campaign, and go to and take the pledge today.

THE PLEDGE: "I pledge to not text or use my cell phone while driving. I understand the serious dangers caused by distracted driving and will talk to my family and friends about these dangers, to help make the roads safer for everyone."

Interested in being a KADD sponsor? 100% of all sponsor dollars cover promotion of the site including give-aways and prizes for kids. Contact Scott at 860-535-4040 or for more info.

HOT OFF THE PRESS! Read the National Safety Council's new paper, “Understanding the Distracted Brain: Why driving while using hands-free cell phones is risky behavior”

Friday, April 30, 2010

NY, CT Police Crack Down on Chatty Drivers

Police in CT & NY "issued more than 3,000 tickets during a two-state campaign against drivers texting and talking on cell phones."  Read more.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Quote of the Day

“We are too smart to be killing ourselves and others by doing what we know is wrong.“
--Martha Meade, of AAA Mid-Atlantic, during a news conference to mark Virginia’s Distracted Driving Awareness Day (April is also the first-ever National Distracted Driving Awareness Month).  Read more.

Distracted Driver Continues Texting After Hitting Cars, House

Story here, in the victim's words.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Idol Winner Joins Transportation Secretary in Appeal Against Distracted Driving

The Washington Post's Dr. Gridlock blog reports that U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood was joined by American Idol winner Jordin Sparks in an appeal against distracted driving directed at teenage drivers.  Sparks said she made "a conscious effort not to pick up my cellphone when I'm driving," echoing LaHood's appeal for drivers to "put that cellphone in the glove compartment until you reach your destination."  Twenty-three states have banned sending or receiving text messages while driving, but LaHood used the event to emphasize his belief that talking on cellphones is an unacceptable risk when driving.